Word 2016 table of contents double space between heading
Word 2016 table of contents double space between heading

  • Page break before: This function inserts a page break before the paragraph, meaning the paragraph is always at the top of the page.
  • Keep lines together: This function ensures that the paragraph is not split between two pages and always appears as a complete unit on the next page.
  • Keep with next: If you select this option, Word treats this paragraph and the next one as a single unit.
  • Insert the heading TABLE OF CONTENTS in all capital letters, centered one inch from the top of the page. If there are extra lines in the header, below the page number, delete them. Double-click on the header and hit the down arrow. How do I remove extra spaces in Word header Make sure you don’t have extra space in the header. On the top right side of the document, select Options > Remove Headers & Footers. Step 1: Insert a blank page in the document where you want the Table of Contents (TOC) to display. How do I remove header space in Word 2016 Go to Insert > Header & Footer. You might often encounter documents that have messy tables of contents along with navigation panes with links. use the space bar between the Titles and Page numbers as a way of formatting.
  • Widow/orphan control: This function prevents a single line of a paragraph from appearing at the top or bottom of a page. It's tricky to make a good-looking and functional table of contents in Microsoft Word.
  • If you switch to the second tab in the options dialogue box (“Line and Page Breaks”), you have additional pagination options: Standard Word TOC styles have the same line spacing regardless which can be a waste of space. Once again, you can do this under “Line and paragraph spacing” in Word on the “Home” tab, where you have the option of inserting (and removing) additional spacing or using the “Line spacing options.” Then enter a font size to set the distance between paragraphs. Each heading or level in the Table of Contents has it’s own style cunningly called TOC 1 for level one (directors in our example), TOC 2 for level two (Films) and so on. In Word, you can insert the spacing either before or after the paragraph-or both. Simply select the text you want at the start of a paragraph and apply the Heading style. We’ve already explained Lead in emphasis which is easy to use. Welcome to the strange world of Word’s Style Separators.

    word 2016 table of contents double space between heading word 2016 table of contents double space between heading

    This keeps the paragraph together from a purely visual standpoint. Choose specific words from a heading to appear in the Table of Contents (TOC) of a Word documents, instead of the whole heading. To improve the appearance and clarity of the text, the line spacing after the last line of a paragraph should be larger than the spacing within the paragraph. Check it carefully to make sure Word didn't miss any chapter titles or subtitles and that the page numbering looks correct if there are problems, double-check that you tagged text with the correct header styles or Table of Contents codes (see Step 1 above).

    word 2016 table of contents double space between heading

    Word also has a special feature for changing the spacing between paragraphs. Word will insert the Table of Contents at the point of your cursor.

    Word 2016 table of contents double space between heading