Empire total war map wall
Empire total war map wall

empire total war map wall

The late period is the last three levels of major province buildings, the last being nation-unique levels which only bring unique units. Artillery has become more diverse and mobile (some drawn by teams of horses) and can be used tactically in offensive battles. Provincial cities can now produce core units allowing for bigger armies: Line Infantry, Regiment of Horse, Dragoons and Lancers. These provide more option for rapid flanking and artillery destruction than in the earlier period. Cavalry forces become more diverse and important, with the introduction of light cavalry Hussars, Light Dragoons, Heavy Cavalry and Cuirassiers. Line infantry gain advances in firing drill and bayonet, and Grenadiers provide a superior option, both in melee and shooting, bringing some variation to the Line of Battle. This brings more tactical variation to army composition, and national differences become more pronounced. In the middle period, covering the next two levels of government and military buildings (representing the highest level for minor provinces), more specialised unit types are introduced. Battles will be more often decided by quantity rather than quality. Artillery is initially static, a defensive weapon, but some slow mobile cannons appear. In addition to their melee value, they are fast cavalry. Some nations obtain lancer cavalry which can be decisive in this period before advanced bayonets.

empire total war map wall

However, technology unlocks Dragoons and Carabineers (nations get one or the other) which give an extra tactical option. Cavalry starts with utilitarian Regiment of Horse and Provincial Cavalry - all round useful, but not decisive. Pikemen are still useful until bayonets arrive to enable standard infantry to replace them. Infantry will be composed of Militia, supplemented with Line Infantry from large cities which will be the deciding factor of battles.

#Empire total war map wall plus#

The early period covers the first two levels of government (up to Governor's’ Residence) and military buildings (to Barracks), plus available technology.

Empire total war map wall